Ideal Contains Its Absolute Norm
Let \(I \trianglelefteq \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\), then \(N(I) \in I\), that is, \(I\) contains its norm.
Let \(I \trianglelefteq \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\). Let \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) be the order of \(1 + I \in \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}/I\) when considered as an additive group. Do to the consistency of this operation with ring multiplication in this case, we note that therefore
and hence \(n \in I\). Since the order of any element divides the order of the group and the order of the group is \(|\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}| = N(I)\), we have that \(n \mid N(I)\).
Since \(n \in I\) we know that \(\langle n \rangle \subseteq I\) which implies that \(I \mid \langle n \rangle\) given \(\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\) is a Dedekind ring. However \(I \mid \langle n \rangle \mid \langle N(I) \rangle\) and therefore \(N(I) \in I\).