Ideal Contains Its Absolute Norm


Let \(I \trianglelefteq \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\), then \(N(I) \in I\), that is, \(I\) contains its norm.


Let \(I \trianglelefteq \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\). Let \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) be the order of \(1 + I \in \mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}/I\) when considered as an additive group. Do to the consistency of this operation with ring multiplication in this case, we note that therefore

\[ 0 + I = n(1 + I) = (n + I)(1 + I) = (1n + I) = n + I\]

and hence \(n \in I\). Since the order of any element divides the order of the group and the order of the group is \(|\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}| = N(I)\), we have that \(n \mid N(I)\).

Since \(n \in I\) we know that \(\langle n \rangle \subseteq I\) which implies that \(I \mid \langle n \rangle\) given \(\mathcal{O}_\mathbb{K}\) is a Dedekind ring. However \(I \mid \langle n \rangle \mid \langle N(I) \rangle\) and therefore \(N(I) \in I\).